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Hanuman Kavach | Protect, Secure Your Success Path | Evil Eyes | Kuja Dosh | Shani Dosh

Protect, secure your success path with fully Energized Hanuman Kavach from PurePrayer, put an end to malefic effects of Shani Dosh, Saade Saati, evil eyes and reach your success path.

  • Mitigates the Ill Effects of Mars and Saturn
  • Enhances Focus and Discipline
  • Protection against negative planetary effects of Kuja and Shani
  • Removes Negativity and Obstacles


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Hanuman KavachProtect, Secure Your Success Path | Evil Eyes | Kuja Dosh | Shani Dosh

Protect, secure your success path with fully Energized Hanuman Kavach from PurePrayer, put an end to malefic effects of Shani Dosh, Saade Saati, evil eyes and reach your success path.

Hanuman Kavach is a shield for protection against Kuja Dosha or Manglik affliction and Shani Graha related problems in Birth-chart. This can be your own protective armour and ultimate remedy against the malefic influences of planets Mars or Saturn. Hanuman Kavach can be an effective personal protection against Drishti Dosh or Evil Eye problems.

  • Mitigates the Ill Effects of Mars and Saturn
  • Enhances Focus and Discipline
  • Protection against negative planetary effects of Kuja and Shani
  • Removes Negativity and Obstacles
PurePrayer offers Yantras that are completely energized for protection, health, business, learning, acquisition, finance, marriage, children, peace, prosperity, victory, wealth and many more uses.

What is Hanuman Kavach?

Hanuman Kavach is a protective shield which will protect the wearer against all evils, perils, illnesses or diseases, unfavorable Mars and Saturn in the birth-chart. A “Kavach” is a shield or protection against danger. Lord Hanuman or Sri Anjaneya is the deity of power and strength and is offered special Poojas by millions on Tuesdays and Saturdays. This worship of the Supreme Divinity is for acquiring knowledge, physical and mental strength, truthfulness, sincerity, selflessness, humility, loyalty and profound devotion to the Lord.

It helps you to remain focused in your endeavours, enjoy a happy and successful career and married life and ensure safe travelling. Manglik people facing difficulties in Married/Love life can benefit from Hanuman Kavach.

Who benefits from protection with Hanuman Kavach? 

  • Those with Mars afflictions or Kuja Dosha and Shani Dosha in birth-chart
  • Manglik people facing crisis in Married/Love life.
  • Those on a “Quest for Excellence” beyond the normal plane.
  • People who are facing Shani Sade Sati (Seven and half year cycle of Saturn)
  • People who are facing Shani Dhaiyya Two and half year cycle of Saturn)

Manglik Dosh and Kuja Graha

Manglik Dosh is one of the malignant astrological ailments (Dosha) in Vedic astrology, and occurs in a person’s Birth-chart when Mars is placed in one of the following houses: seventh, first, eighth, fourth, twelfth and second. If and when Mars occurs in one of these houses in the horoscope, then the astrological situation called Mangal Dosha, Kuja Dosha or Angaraka Dosh can arise. Mangal Dosh produces unfavourable situations for marriage. If a marriage occurs between two people, the negative effects of Mars are said to be wiped out.

Lord Mangal, Angarak or Kuja is the celestial God of War.

Hanuman Kavach for Manglik Dosh

A person who has a Mangal Dosh or has a negative influence from Mars, in his birth chart is called Manglik. Persons having Mangal Dosh in their Kundli may have to face issues like delayed marriages, disharmony in married life, divorce or even death of spouse.

As per the Hindu Vedic Astrology, the planet Mars signifies a strong desire, will-power to undertake risks, ego, inspiration, self-confidence and quick actions.

Negative effects of Mangal Dosh are said to reduce after the age of 28, hence people who have Mangal Dosha are advised to marry late.

Shani Graha

Shani is one of the children of Surya (Lord Sun) and Chaya Devi. Lord Shani or Shanaischara is the seventh planet in the system of Nava Grahas extolled by Maharshi Veda Vyasa. He is depicted with his carrier crow and carrying a sword as weapon. Shani Dev is the God of justice, so the fruits our Karma results in how we act. Good deeds in life makes Shani Dev happy and bless generously.

Shani (Saturn) is the most significant and most feared planet of the Navagraha as per Hindu traditions. However, in-reality Saturn is the most benevolent planet because he removes the sins of our past births and therefore known as Karmakarak Shani (Influencer of the work life).

Shani is a slow-moving planet and his impact, either positive or negative will last for long. It takes about two and a half years for the planet to cross one zodiac sign. Shani is considered to be a malefic planet in astrology but bestows a person with great fame and wealth when in favourable position in the horoscope.

Hanuman Kavach for Shani Dosh & Success Path

According to the Vedic Astrology, the movements by of Shani Graham in the horoscope (Birth-Chart) affects marriage, children, education, career, business and many more important aspects of life.

Shree Hanuman Kavach to propitiate an afflicted Shani

Shree Hanuman Kavach is a Vedic solution used to propitiate an afflicted Shani/Saturn and achieve Raja Yoga through complete blessings of Shani. When Saturn is malefic in a Janma Kundali or horoscope, in transit or causes Saade Saati, use of Hanuman Kavach is very Beneficial.

Benefits of Hanuman Kavach

  • Courage and physical strength to overcome all the difficulties in life
  • Enhances the powers of Decision-making and correct judgment
  • Gives success in business and worldly affairs
  • Mitigates the Ill Effects of Mars and Saturn
  • Enhances Focus and Discipline
  • Protection against negative effects of Kuja and Shani
  • Removes Negativity and Obstacles

Why Choose Shri Hanuman Kavach?

Shri Hanuman Kavach is revered in Hindu culture as a powerful solution to mitigate the ill effects or negative effects of Lord Kuja and Lord Shani. By incorporating Shri Hanuman Kavach into your life, you can tap into its protective energies and experience the following benefits:

  • Enhances Focus and Discipline: Improve your focus, discipline, and determination, helping you overcome challenges and achieve your goals.
  • Mitigates the Ill Effects of Mars and Saturn: Protect yourself from the negative influence of Mars and Saturn, minimizing its impact on your life.
  • Offers Protection: Experience a sense of stability and protection as the Shri Hanuman Kavach shields you from adverse energies and obstacles.
  • Removes Negativity and Obstacles: Eliminate negativity and obstacles in your life with Shri Hanuman Yantra, creating a harmonious and positive environment for growth and success.

Procedure of Energizing Hanuman Kavach (Praan Shakti Vidhi)

  1. Placement of Yantra in Sanctum of Sri Hanuman Temple.
  1. Yantra will be delivered after Abhishekam and Homam.

Please visit www.pureprayer.com or call us on +91 8151002255, WA No: +91 9606036988 to learn more about booking online Pandits/Purohits for all Pujas, Havans and many more.

Protect, secure your success path with fully Energized Hanuman Kavach from PurePrayer, put an end to malefic effects of Shani Dosh, Saade Saati, evil eyes and reach your success path.


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