
Sringeri Sri Kshetra has been nurturing Sanatana Dharma for more than twelve centuries ever since Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya founded the Sharada Peetham here.

Sringeri Sri Kshetra has been a waterhole for the devotees seeking directions in Sanatana Dharma for more than twelve centuries. Sringeri Sri Kshetra derives its name from the name Rushyashrungagiri. Great sage Sri Rushyashrunga is believed to have undertaken a penance in this region and hence the name.Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya established the Dakshinamnaya Sharadapeetham at Sringeri in the 7th Century CE, after experiencing the divine presence on the banks of River Tunga. Legend has it that, he saw a cobra giving protection to a frog on the river banks.  

Religious performances conducted to provide solutions to the problems faced by people are believed to yield ample results in the Sri Kshetra. Highly experienced priests are available for the services.